Media interviewing is a skill – are you prepared?

14 June 2021  |  Insights
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Indulge me and close your eyes for a moment…

Imagine you are waiting to be interviewed by Fiona Bruce on BBC News at 6pm.

Your hands feel sweaty and your breathing quickens as you watch robotic cameras move into position on the newsroom floor.

There is a large public scandal and the faith-based organisation you work for has been asked to comment by journalists. You hastily agreed to do this high-profile news interview after hearing your supporter desk receive multiple urgent calls from the press. It is an opportunity for your charity’s cause to be heard by huge numbers of people and of course, you want your organisation to be seen in the best light.

As the presenter turns swiftly in her chair to face you, her voice takes on a serious tone.

Are you ready to respond?

At Jersey Road PR we exist to give voice and influence to clients who have amazing stories to tell, whether in crisis situations or just in a normal working week.

Media interview training forms the basis of any good spokesperson’s media toolbox. Here are six key components you might find inside:

  1. Preparation is fundamental. Don't fall into a trap of thinking you know what you want to say, so you don't need to practice.
  2. Authenticity, relevancy, passion and truth are what turn a good interview into a great interview.
  3. Are you clear, compelling and consistent when you speak? Tone of voice matters.
  4. Do you know exactly what you want to say? Stick to your key messages.
  5. Are you fully aware of the topical issues of the day? Sometimes a curveball question can be thrown.
  6. Do you have interesting and relevant stories ready to illustrate your message?

If you would like to build your profile, amplify your organisation’s voice or speak to a media expert about media interview training we would love to hear from you.

By Theresa Stone, Training and Development Manager, Jersey Road PR

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