CARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) brings Christian insight to the policies and laws that affect our lives. To do this effectively, it needs to understand and engage well with churches – so it commissioned us to find out which causes interest church leaders the most and how they communicate about these to their networks.

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The way people gather for church is changing, largely accelerated by the pandemic and technology. It is within this context that CARE is seeking to engage Christians to tackle some of the biggest issues in society. However, CARE’s work is spread across many different causes, and until now it has had little insight into how churches and their leaders think or engage with them.

CARE wanted a clearer and better understanding of what the most important topics are for UK Christian leaders. There was a desire to unpick why and how these leaders engaged with these issues and, in turn, how they communicated these issues with their networks, congregations and wider groups.


Taking a three-pronged approach, we set out to discover relevant data that would enable us to gain an internal, external and consumer view of CARE and relevant political issues. We achieved this by reviewing its engagement strategy and existing audience insight, as well as conducting quantitative and qualitative research with key stakeholders and church leaders across all denominations.

Equipped with this intelligence, we then looked to define the results based on what we learnt.

We analysed our learnings and uncovered trends, paving the way forward for us to facilitate a strategy workshop with CARE, where we shared and challenged the findings together.

Having workshopped the research findings with the client, we then looked to design and record these findings, new insights and recommendations in a digestible format, allowing the client to easily access and use them.


This document provided CARE with uncensored opinions and actionable insights from church leaders in the Christian community. Our hope is that it will go some way in helping it shape its long-term strategy and shape its renewal of church engagement.

“We had the pleasure of working with Jersey Road on two-month project. From start to finish, they were superb. They kept us informed, involved us and the presentations at the end were first class. It was everything I’ve come to expect from Jersey Road."

James Mildred, Director of Communications and Engagement, CARE

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